It's sad but true, the incredible local hiking spot just north of Prince George will be shut down to public use if the miss use of the area continues.
Not long ago I was asked by a local hiker and friend to produce a video talking about a trail near town that was in danger of closing. I had no idea what trail it was or how impactful it is on the community surrounding the north. After I agreed to come on board with the project I was informed which trail was in danger, and I never dreamed it would be Teapot Mountain. Michelle Jackson, the founder of "ROCK ED Backcountry Society", began detailing all the problems with Teapot Mountain. Over used trails, damaged foliage, destroyed structures, litter, illegal fire pits, and broken teapots everywhere. Yes broken teapots, they have found their way up the mountain in the hands of local hikers hoping to take part in what started out as a harmless novelty. After all, the mountain is named Teapot Mountain, so having stashed teapots along the trail and peak seams like a quaint idea to amuse hikers along the way up the mountain. However according to Michelle, and easily discernible to the eye, the teapots don't last long in the northern weather, and perhaps even a few vandals. I couldn't believe just how many broken shards were strewn about the tails on the way up the mountain. There were teapots everywhere and most of them were in multiple pieces. It was clear why she asked me to help with this initiative, the only way to get the attention of the community was to bring the problem to the public with a video that spoke nothing but the truth.
The ROCK ED crew, myself and my helpful camera assistant arrived at the peak early in the morning with a garbage bag already half full of litter and teapots weighing us down, well weighing them down. We were being weighed down with camera gear after all. The view was taken in by all of us over looking Summit Lake and the surrounding forests for a little while before we began what we came to do. I set up my gear, Michelle stood in front of the lens and we were ready to start. Ready to let everyone know what is about to happen if we don't do something. Naturally with news like this to deliver to so many people, Michelle was at a loss for words. "How do you say that to Prince George?" she ask in a somber tone that left me nearly speechless. A question like that, I don't think anyone could ever truly answer. But I did my best, reassured, and helped her talk about the issue to the camera. Slowly she talked about each piece of the puzzle that puts Teapot Mountain at risk, but it seemed like every other sentence led to the littered teapots. Littered teapots, that's exactly what they are, litter. I filmed all over that mountain with them that morning, but I never knew what was about to happen with the footage I had gathered. It has been about three weeks now since the video I create for them has been released, and with over 27,000 views and over 500 shares on Facebook, ROCK ED Backcountry Society has made some serious waves. Not only in Prince George, but across British Columbia. This Society was formed to save Teapot Mountain, but I think because of this project they are going to end up saving a lot more than just this site.
Click the link here to watch the video:
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